Prince Tubolayefa is a Nigerian blogger and the founder of the news and entertainment website: Delinknews Nigeria, with the URL He is also the founder of Delink Media. Prince Tubolayefa attended the Nekede Polytechnic Owerri, where he studied and obtained HND in office management between the years 2013 and 2016. He organized student events to promote Google products on campus, and promoted Google opportunities and other student’s events. Prince Tubolayefa further studied Political science/Social Studies at the College of Education. He founded Delinkmedia Org, since He has being working in Delink Computer Services with His Boss Mr. Wari's the CEO of Wari's Computer services Since then, the website has grown into one of the most popular websites in Nigeria, Which has being Helpful and Contented with Educational Articles, and Project materials and assistance. Prince Tubolayefa is personally responsible for outlining strategies, driving growth for the website, scaling the business and he has been able to build one of the largest Social Media platform in Bayelsa State, Nigeria Africa, with over 3 Million Followers across all platforms.
In the year 2014, Prince earned an award for reaching new frontiers as a publisher, freelancer, Manager in Delink Service Org. His website is one of the most trafficked news, information and Educational Articles sites in Nigeria. Delinkmedia, being an Information/media portal, focuses on providing interesting content. The website was notable for being the first website in Sagbama, Bayelsa State Nigeria, to attain many Fans on Facebook, an achievement that occasioned its acknowledgement as the fastest growing page ever in Nigeria. (A social media analytics website). The Delink Media founded by Prince Tubolayefa in 2016.

facebook page Delinkmedia Information Center
Princewheezy. "I am an internet geek who love to share everything about Latest News,Educational Articles, Relationship, Health and Emotional Articles, Christian Knowledge (Ideology), Entertainment Gist, Campus Gist, Lifestyle Talk, Nature and Earth, cheat and trick including technology and blogging (Web Development) and neverthelesss Project materials and Assistance". Also Am A Freelancer, I design blog and sales, Ebooks and Guidance in all blogging aspect.

I take immense pleasure to provide you with this Blog which shall provide you some Information in all Educational field including Technology and Blogging. The reason behind the development of this site is to make all Individual (Layman) aware of the latest Information and News concerning Education or Lifestyle (ENtertainment) + technological advances, Study Corner for students and help to bloggers. My motion in Blogging is not to pursue a degree as a master, but to share something that is beneficial to others ... Okay, Much has already being said ..
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