In all of my counseling, I never meet people who are glad that they have committed fornication. After the fact, there is ALWAYS regret. Here...
In all of my counseling, I never meet people who are glad that they have committed fornication. After the fact, there is ALWAYS regret. Here’s a short list why fornication is always a really bad idea:
Dangers of premarital sex
Sex was a glorious thing presented to men by God, God approved sex but his condition was that it should be meant for married couples. But today because of deception by the devil, youths now see sex as something that was meant for them, they now abuse it. A true life story, a young boy who has slept with so many women and girls went for deliverance in a church, in the process of the deliverance, the pastor found out that the young guy's penis has changed to a snake. This was as a result of his careless and abusing the gift of god in his wife. It is been said that if the usefulness of something is not known than abuse is inevitable. The dangers of premarital sex are as follows.
1. It breaks God’s laws and dishonors Him—search a concordance for the word “fornication.” We could stop here—it’s all we really need to know.
2. It presents huge physical risk—diseases and illness are rampant among those who engage in this lifestyle.
3. It presents huge emotional risk—a physical and emotional bond without a spiritual commitment is never a winning experience.
4. It presents huge spiritual risk—grieving the Holy Spirit and offending a holy God means we forfeit God’s best. We never win by dishonoring God.
5. It is awkward, guilt ridden, unfulfilling, and not representative of God’s original intent—hence a culture that continually seeks fulfillment with new partners and relationships.
6. It is disappointing at the physical, emotional, and spiritual levels—the only physical intimacy that exceeds expectations is that founded on long-term commitment and marital growth.
7. It creates a spiritual/emotional bond without commitment—this only breeds resentment, bitterness, and the feeling of being used. It says something like this, “I don’t love you enough to commit to you, but I love me enough to use you.”
8. It destroys trust—the best way to have trust in a marriage is to stay pure before you get married. Learning to be committed to Christ (in purity) is the best way to learn to be committed to a spouse.
9. It creates resentment and frustration—it was designed to happen within a committed marriage of selfless love. Outside of that, fornication just breaks the heart and wounds the soul.
10. It leaves you empty and searching for real love—physical intimacy doesn’t create a loving, committed relationship, it’s the fruit of one.
11. It devalues the future intimacy of your marriage—intimacy is “just the two of us.” Premarital relationships destroy that before it even happens.
12. It prevents the greatest intimacy in marriage—the purest and most fulfilling marital relationship is that which is forever untouched by previous relationships. (If you have failed morally, don’t lose hope. Claim God’s grace, and begin protecting your future marriage today by abstaining from further fornication.) Jesus doesn’t shame you, but He would say, “Go and sin no more.”
13. It sets a person on a path of unfulfilling sexual experiences—fornication is a downward spiral of perpetually unfulfilling relationships.
14. It attempts to shortcut God’s plan for marriage and family—it turns God’s great gift of family and love into a cheap thrill and self-centered pleasure quest.
15. It prevents you from having the most fulfilling sexual relationship—while a person is sleeping around, they are NOT preparing for the wonderful lifetime relationship that God intended.
16. It can lead to Carelessness and Pregnancy--
so many married couples today who are childless are as a result of what they did during there youth age, don't forget what you sow is definitely what you will reap. So some of them who went into premarital sex and as the result they got pregnant and probably abort the baby, this act of abortion will now lead to childlessness when married and it can persist except God intervene
17. It enlarges sexual desires and makes them insatiable—thinking with your hormones allows them to become an unruly taskmaster.

17. It enlarges sexual desires and makes them insatiable—thinking with your hormones allows them to become an unruly taskmaster.

18. It puts the flesh and hormones in control of your life—you are more than a chemical reaction that seeks gratification. Don’t allow your life to be directed by physical desires. Submit those desires to the Holy Spirit, and let them be fulfilled in God’s time and in God’s way.
18. It leads to shame and disgrace---Those that embarks into this means don't know that its consequences awaits them. A true life story, a young girl who was so beautiful and she was advice by her friend to have a boyfriend, she thought having a boyfriend end there so she felt her friends was right and finally she agreed to have a boyfriend. On her first night with her boyfriend, he kissed her answer when she went home she was so happy and on the second night, he slept with her and than she was crying that she has lost her virginity, it was not more than a month, this young beautiful girl became pregnant and was abandoned by her so called friends and even her boyfriend, she was now the talk of the town, people made just of her and also disgraced her on several occasions. Having read that story you see now that premarital sex definitely leads to shame and disgrace so flee from it.
19. It creates children without strong homes—God intends this relationship to create a family with a foundation of commitment and lifetime love.
20. It feeds the abortion industry—illicit relationship creates unwanted children which creates “the abortion industry.”
21. It cannot be done safely—no matter what culture says—safe sex is one man, one woman, committed in marriage, for the rest of their lives.
22. It is a destiny destroyer---Premarital sex destroys destiny because when you are into it, your ambitions and dreams concerning your future is crippled thereby your future is jeopardized.
In conclusion, in all the sins the holy bible mention, it was only fornication that the bible said we should flee away from, so flee away from premarital sex. Only a mad man sees a ship and still goes to touch it to confirm it if its really a ship. You will be tagged as a mad man after reading this article and still continue in premarital sex.
It's one thing to know that we should flee sexual immorality, but you may be wondering, "How do I do it?"
Here are seven ways that you can avoid the sin that can destroy you and your future:
1. Sexual sin starts in the mind, so win the war there first by studying the Bible. Fill your mind with God's Word.
2. Stay in church. The more you hear the Word and stay close to other Christians, the better you will keep your focus on spiritual things.
3. Don't ever go out alone with a person you know will tempt you or easily give in to sexual sin.
4. Don't allow yourself to be alone with the opposite sex in a place where temptation is easily fostered.
5. Stay away from sexually suggestive books, magazines, photos, or Web sites that will stir up sexual desires.
6. Build relationships of accountability with parents and strong Christian friends. When going through a trying time, let them know and ask for their help.
7. Make up your mind. Never retreat. Let every new friend you meet know you are committed to sexual purity
It's one thing to know that we should flee sexual immorality, but you may be wondering, "How do I do it?"
Here are seven ways that you can avoid the sin that can destroy you and your future:
1. Sexual sin starts in the mind, so win the war there first by studying the Bible. Fill your mind with God's Word.
2. Stay in church. The more you hear the Word and stay close to other Christians, the better you will keep your focus on spiritual things.
3. Don't ever go out alone with a person you know will tempt you or easily give in to sexual sin.
4. Don't allow yourself to be alone with the opposite sex in a place where temptation is easily fostered.
5. Stay away from sexually suggestive books, magazines, photos, or Web sites that will stir up sexual desires.
6. Build relationships of accountability with parents and strong Christian friends. When going through a trying time, let them know and ask for their help.
7. Make up your mind. Never retreat. Let every new friend you meet know you are committed to sexual purity